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Informed Academically

Jr. National Honor Society

Immaculate Conception School is a part of the National Junior Honor Society. To be invited into the NJHS, a student's cumulative grade point average, beginning with 6th grade, must be 3.6.  In addition to the Scholarship standard, membership is based on standards of Leadership, Service, Citizenship and Character.

The Leadership criterion is considered highly important for membership selection.  A student must name three leadership roles at school achieved since 6th grade.  Examples of Leadership include:  elected officer of Student Council, Drama Club volunteer, Guardian Angel Volunteer or Battle of the Books captain.

Service is considered to be those actions taken by the student which are done on behalf of others without any direct financial or material compensation. A student must have completed 10 hours of service at the school, parish or in the community since the start of 6th grade.  These service hours are different from Confirmation hours.  Examples of Service include:  Preschool helper, cantor, altar server, lector, and Religious Education helper.

Citizenship demonstrates participation and responsibility.  Students must name three activities. Examples of Citizenship include:  sports, Scouts, Future City, Bells, Choristers, Extended Care helper and Drama.

A person of Character demonstrates:  honesty, academic integrity, reliability and respect for others.  In this area a student lists any honors or awards they have earned.  Examples include:  Honor Roll and Highest GPA.


Once a student is inducted into the NJHS in January of 7th or 8th grade, there are expectations they must meet.  They are also expected to:

  • Keep GPA at 3.6 or higher

  • Serve as Tour Guides at Open Houses in December and January

  • Write letters to potential new families (as needed)

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