A Preschool through 8th Grade Catholic Elementary School
New Interactive Panels in every classroom!
The goal during this school year and every school year is to engage our learners, whether they are in person learning or remote learning. Made possible by grants, IC School was able to purchase a Trutouch Interactive Panel for each of our 24 classrooms. It will make it easier to keep students engaged and interested in class, will make it convenient to record instruction when needed, and provide tools designed for better collaboration and more creative learning. During this pandemic COVID school year, Immaculate Conception School has had to provide tools to students for remote learning. Students would not be able to do remote learning without 1:1 devices. These panels will provide a large format screen that can be shared easily on remote classes. Trutouch is providing free online professional development for all teachers so they can utilize the new technology to the fullest advantage for our students in and out of the classroom during this unprecedented time.