A Preschool through 8th Grade Catholic Elementary School
Volunteer Information
If you are planning on volunteering at school you must complete the Criminal Background Check and Virtus Training. Below are the instructions for completing these requirements.
Criminal Background Check: This is completed online at www.archchicago.org. Click on “Child Protection” at the top. This will give you access to "Compliance Resources.” Select “Compliance for Clergy, Employees, and Volunteers” to view a chart of compliance requirements. The chart has direct links (underlined and blue-lettered) to various compliance requirements. Click on the link to the background check. Click the link for first time users to register and create an ID/Password. The access code is: Protection. Please be sure to complete and print up the Code of Conduct and CANTS form and return to school. Volunteers do not need to be fingerprinted.
Virtus Class: You will need to register on-line at www.virtus.org before taking the 3 hour class. Please make sure that you sign in at the class. This is how the Archdiocese verifies that you attended. Send a copy of your certificate to the school office